laotian|laotians in English


resident of Laos (country in southeastern Asia)

Use "laotian|laotians" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "laotian|laotians" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "laotian|laotians", or refer to the context using the word "laotian|laotians" in the English Dictionary.

1. That Laotian boy.

2. In 2010, he signed for local Laotian club MCTPC.

3. General Abrams believed that unlike Cambodia, the North Vietnamese would stand and fight for the Laotian Base Areas.

4. He actually allowed many Shan and Laotian battalions to demobilize at the start of the rainy season.

5. The city was burned to the ground and was looted of nearly all Laotian artifacts, including Buddha statues and people.

6. Ten of the 18 Laotian provinces have been described as "severely contaminated" with artillery and mortar shells, mines, rockets, grenades, and other devices from various countries of origin.

7. Whisking you into the perfumer's HQ, the Benjoin Bohème eau de parfum swirls with sultry amber notes of Laotian benzoin and warming balms and spices

8. 29 Lam saravane is the most popular genre of Laotian music, but ethnic Lao in Thailand have developed an internationally-best selling form called mor lam sing.

9. Prince Boun Oum, Laotian politician who renounced his rights as heir to the throne of Champasak (though he retained his traditional title) and became known for his rightist, pro-Western positions

10. In 1979 Charlie Soo, founder of the Asian American Small Business Association, took up the cause, and the area developed not solely as a Chinese enclave but also including Vietnamese, Laotian, Cambodian, and Japanese businesses.

11. If the Hin Namno, bordering Phong Nha on the west (in Laotian territory) was to be combined with the national park in a continuous reserve, the combined reserve would be the largest surviving karst forest in southeastern Asia (317,754 ha).